Maryland Freedom Caucus: Fairness in Girls’ Sports bill denied fair hearing

ANNAPOLIS, MD—HB 156, Fairness in Girls’ Sports, introduced by Maryland Freedom Caucus Vice Chair, Delegate Kathy Szeliga, is scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, January 29th. However, public support for the legislation will not be heard as the Ways and Means Committee is limiting bills introduced in prior years to “sponsor only” testimony. “I was disappointed to learn that my […]

NOW YOU KNOW: Public opinion says we should protect women’s sports

The following is an op-ed piece from Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki. Competitive sports have been binary for a reason. Allowing biological men to compete against biological women is unfair and can even be dangerous. Competitive sports must be based on Biological Sex, not Gender Identity. The United States has made great strides in promoting women’s sports since Title […]