Baltimore teacher wins $50K Powerball prize

BALTIMORE, MD—A Powerball player from Baltimore said that while she didn’t win the $1.3 billion jackpot that was hit in Oregon on Saturday, she was still happy to walk away with a $50,000 prize. The teacher said that she typically waits for a big jackpot in a game and then buys tickets when they are available. She bought several tickets […]

Powerball jackpot hits $1 billion, Harford County resident wins $2.1 million Multi-Match prize

BALTIMORE, MD—The Powerball jackpot has grown to $1 billion for the April 1 drawing, and a player in New Jersey has a Mega Millions ticket worth more than $1 billion, but in the past week 10 players across Maryland won big prizes from the two multi-state jackpot games. Meanwhile, Maryland’s in-state-only jackpot game, Multi-Match, resulted in the biggest Maryland Lottery […]

New Belair Road resurfacing project to kick off in Perry Hall, Kingsville

PERRY HALL, MD—The Maryland State Highway Administration will soon resurface nearly three miles of northbound and southbound Belair Road (U.S. 1) in northeastern Baltimore County. Phase one of the project will begin at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, April 2, and will stretch from the Sunshine Avenue/Bradshaw Road/Jerusalem Road intersection to Open Bible Way in Kingsville. The second phase will begin […]

Crews to begin new resurfacing projects along Route 40, Belair Road in Harford County

BALTIMORE, MD—The MDOT State Highway Administration is beginning two new paving projects in Harford County beginning next week. The first project begins on Monday, March 11 and will be on US 40 (Pulaski Highway) east of Joppa. The second project, which begins in April, will be on US 1 (Belair Road) north of Kingsville. The resurfacing projects should be complete […]

BCPS Curriculum Nights: Learn & engage in Baltimore County schools

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools students, parents, caregivers, and stakeholders are invited to participate in the 2024 BCPS Curriculum Nights. The BCPS Curriculum Nights are an opportunity for parents and guardians to learn more about the district’s curriculum and efforts to improve instruction in different subjects areas. These events will provide information on priority areas for the upcoming school year […]

Baltimore County Public Schools to hold job fair in March

TIMONIUM, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools will be holding a job fair next month. The event will take place 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at the Timonium Fairgrounds. All 176 BCPS schools will be represented, and officials are looking to hire teachers, building service workers, grounds service workers, maintenance employees, and more. Interested applicants should bring their […]

Orioles 2024 Birdland Caravan to pass through Baltimore County

BALTIMORE, MD—The Orioles on Monday announced the return of the club’s ‘Birdland Caravan,’ a three-day winter tour, that will take place from Thursday, January 25, through Saturday, January 27, 2024 at multiple locations throughout the state of Maryland. The weekend-long celebration will include meet and greet photo opportunities, community projects, fan rallies, and happy hours. The caravan will include events […]