Maryland drivers to face increased fines for work zone speeding as of January 1

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland drivers will face increased fines for work zone speed violations starting January 1, 2025. The new tiered fine system, based on the speed a vehicle exceeds the posted limit, doubles fines when workers are present. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) says the new system is part of the Maryland Road Worker Protection Act, […]

New speed cameras to be activated in Baltimore City school zones

BALTIMORE, MD—The Baltimore City Department of Transportation this week announced that new automated speed enforcement locations will soon be implemented, as part of the city’s Automated Traffic Violation Enforcement System (ATVES). Baltimore’s automated speed enforcement program is designed to promote safe driving by reducing driver speeds in school zones throughout the city. The speed camera monitoring system consists of portable […]

MDTA Police crack down on speeding along I-95

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Transportation Authority says 267 citations, warnings, and repair orders were issued to drivers over speeding violations during a safety crackdown last week. The crackdown, which began Friday, targeted dangerous speeding on I-95 in the Baltimore metropolitan area and northeastern Maryland. One person was also arrested on an outstanding warrant. The MDTA says the effort was part of […]

Maryland State Police to crack down on speeding along I-95 on Friday

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland State Police will be cracking down on speeding on Friday. MSP will be participating in the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Speed Mobilization Month safety campaign, along with law-enforcement agencies across seven states in the region. NHTSA this month launched its Speeding Catches Up with You speeding prevention campaign to remind drivers to slow […]

Enhanced Maryland work zone laws, increased fines going into effect June 1

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Highway Administration is reminding motorists of changes to speed enforcement laws in an effort to improve safety for highway workers. The new law, which goes into effect on June 1, 2024, will allow speed cameras to be placed in more work zones across the state. The law also increases fines for violations detected by work zone […]

NOW YOU KNOW: Baltimore County speed camera bill on life support

The following is an update from Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki. Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki have been extremely concerned about a bill that has been reintroduced this session in the General Assembly. The bill would allow unlimited speed cameras to be placed across Baltimore County. HB58, Baltimore County—Speed Monitoring Systems—Residential Districts, authorizes the use of speed monitoring […]