BOOM ALERT: Aberdeen Proving Ground announces testing schedule for week of October 23

ABERDEEN, MD—Loud noise alert! Aberdeen Proving Ground officials say the base has firing operations scheduled for the week of October 23, 2023. APG has firing operations scheduled Monday, October 23 – Friday, 27 from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Noise may be heard in some areas off the installation. Military weapons, watercraft, and/or aircraft will be visible during daytime […]

Frost Advisory issued for Baltimore area

BALTIMORE, MD—The National Weather Service has issued a Frost Advisory for the Baltimore area. The advisory will be in effect from 2 a.m. until 10 a.m. on Tuesday, October 24th. Forecasters say temperatures as low as 33 degrees will result in frost formation. Frost could kill sensitive outdoor vegetation if left uncovered. Residents should take steps now to protect tender […]

BOOM ALERT: Aberdeen Proving Ground announces testing schedule for week of October 16

ABERDEEN, MD—Loud noise alert! Aberdeen Proving Ground officials say the base has firing operations scheduled for the week of October 16, 2023. APG has firing operations scheduled October 10 – 13 from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Noise may be heard in some areas off the installation. Military weapons, watercraft, and/or aircraft will be visible during daytime and nighttime […]

BOOM ALERT: Aberdeen Proving Ground announces testing schedule for week of October 9

ABERDEEN, MD—Loud noise alert! Aberdeen Proving Ground officials say the base has firing operations scheduled for the week of October 9, 2023. APG has firing operations scheduled October 10 – 13 from approximately 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Noise may be heard in some areas off the installation. Military weapons, watercraft, and/or aircraft will be visible during daytime and nighttime […]

BCPS launches mobile app to track school buses

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Transportation has announced the county-wide implementation of BusWhere, a location tracking app that allows subscribers to see school bus locations in real time on a mobile phone or computer. With the BusWhere app, subscribers may opt to receive notification as the bus is approaching a designated bus stop or if there is […]

BOOM ALERT: Aberdeen Proving Ground announces testing schedule for week of October 2

ABERDEEN, MD—Loud noise alert! Aberdeen Proving Ground officials say the base has firing operations scheduled for the week of October 2, 2023. APG has firing operations scheduled this week between approximately 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Noise may be heard in some areas off the installation. Military weapons, watercraft, and/or aircraft will be visible during daytime and nighttime hours. Residents […]

Baltimore County Public Schools officials announce October magnet showcase events

TOWSON, MD—Students and families interested in Baltimore County Public Schools magnet programs are invited to visit the programs during magnet showcase events in October. The magnet website identifies programs and the schools where they are located. BCPS magnet programs are theme-oriented courses of study that provide students with in-depth experiences in specialized areas of interest. BCPS has nearly 120 elementary, […]

BOOM ALERT: Aberdeen Proving Ground announces testing schedule for week of September 25

ABERDEEN, MD—Loud noise alert! Aberdeen Proving Ground officials say the base has firing operations scheduled for the week of September 25, 2023. APG has firing operations scheduled this week between approximately 8:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Noise may be heard in some areas off the installation. Military weapons, watercraft, and/or aircraft will be visible during daytime and nighttime hours. Residents […]