Maryland DNR announces $2.1 million in grants to protect land, expand recreational opportunities

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has announced grants totaling $2.1 million that will fund local government and land trust initiatives to protect land, expand recreational opportunities, and promote healthy outdoor lifestyles. The grants were approved by the state’s Board of Public Works and will support three projects, including the acquisition of 4.3 acres to expand the Brunswick Sports […]

Baltimore County Rural Legacy Program areas to receive $5.575 million in state funding

TOWSON, MD—The Maryland Board of Public Works has unanimously approved $27.1 million in FY2023 Rural Legacy Program grants, including $5.575 million towards five Rural Legacy Areas within Baltimore County. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ Rural Legacy Program is designed to preserve large blocks of contiguous open space that are among the State’s most valuable because of the existence of […]