Serious crash reported in Fallston

Emergency personnel are responding to a serious, Saturday night crash in Fallston. The crash was reported at just after 11 p.m. at the intersection of Belair Road and Mountain Road/MD-152. Several people are said to be injured and five ambulances are responding to the scene. Motorists should avoid the area.

Belair Road shut down due to Fallston crash

Crews were on the scene of a serious crash in Fallston on Friday night. The crash occurred at about 9:15 p.m. at the intersection of Belair Road and Reckord Road. Both Belair Road and Reckord Road have been shut down due to the accident. Five medic units and a Medevac chopper responded to the scene as multiple parties were entrapped […]

Pair of crashes reported in Fallston

Crews are on the scene of two Thursday evening crashed involving injuries in Fallston. The first crash was reported at just before 5:30 p.m. in the area of Fallston Road at Carrs Mill Road. The second crash was reported at just before 6 p.m. in the area of Mountain Road at Belair Road. Paramedics from the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company and Fallston Volunteer Fire […]

Belair Road closed in Perry Hall due to flooding

Authorities say a busy, Perry Hall thoroughfare has been shut down due to flooding. The Maryland State Highway Administration advises that Belair Road has been shut down in both directions at Ridgely’s Choice in Nottingham. Motorists should use an alternate route. The National Weather Service also advises that White Marsh Run is over flood stage at 13.4 feet and is […]

Councilman Marks pens letter to BGE to address late-night noise plaguing Seven Courts residents

A slew of residents in the Seven Courts community in Carney/Perry Hall have, in recent days, complained of loud, late-night noises emanating from the Belair Road area. In a popular Seven Courts Facebook group, local residents complain of loud hums, “electrical buzzing,” and being jarred awake in the middle of the night. “And the 10:30 p.m. mechanical humming has commenced. […]