I-695 inner loop shut down due to fatal Baltimore County crash

UPDATE: The victim in this crash has been identified. Original story below… DUNDALK, MD—Police are on the scene of a fatal crash on I-695 in Baltimore County. The crash was reported at around 9:45 a.m. on Tuesday morning along the inner loop at the Cove Road exit (Exit 41). Maryland State Police are now investigating the circumstances surrounding the single-vehicle […]

I-695 inner loop shut down due to Parkville crash

UPDATE: Some lanes along the inner loop have now been reopened. Original story below… PARKVILLE, MD—Crews are on the scene of a Wednesday afternoon crash on I-695 in Parkville. The crash was reported at around 12:45 p.m. on May 3, 2023 along the inner loop just past Exit 30 (Perring Parkway). All inner loop lanes are currently blocked. There has […]