Carney road closed for water valve repairs

CARNEY, MD—A street in Carney has been shut down so crews can repair a broken water valve. Per Councilman David Marks, there is a water service disruption at 9116 Hines Road (21234). The Department of Public Works has shut off a 12-inch main affecting 50 services and 2 hydrants. The water was turned off to allow crews to make repairs […]

Medevac responds to White Marsh crash, serious injuries reported

WHITE MARSH, MD—Crews are on the scene of a serious, Friday morning crash in White Marsh. At just after 8:30 am on July 21, 2023, the White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company reported that units from WMVFC and Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company were responding to a vehicle crash with entrapment on eastbound Pulaski Highway near White Marsh Boulevard. Initial reports indicate […]

Early morning traffic stops on I-695 in Parkville scheduled for next week

PARKVILLE, MD—The Maryland State Highway Administration and Maryland State Police will conduct two early morning temporary traffic slow-downs with total traffic stops on all lanes of I-695 (Baltimore Beltway inner and outer loops) in Parkville. The work is planned for Wednesday, July 26, 2023 at the Putty Hill Road bridge in the Parkville area of Baltimore County. The two traffic […]