BCPS announces 2019 Ethics Award winners

TOWSON, MD – As commencement exercises begin this week for Baltimore County’s comprehensive high schools, this year’s Ethics Award winners highlight the strengths of the Baltimore County Public Schools Class of 2019. Often called the highest student award BCPS bestows, the Ethics Award is given each year to one graduating senior from each high school who best exemplifies the values […]

Overlea High students to perform in groundbreaking Baltimore Choral Arts Society production

OVERLEA, MD – On Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day), 22 members of Overlea High School’s Honors Chorale will perform in the U.S. premiere of a groundbreaking “community opera” – Jonathan Dove’s The Monster in the Maze – presented by Baltimore Choral Arts Society. The Monster in the Maze is one half of a show, titled Captivity to Liberty, which will […]

Honeygo Elementary, Overlea High principals named 2019-20 BCPS Principals of the Year

TOWSON, MD – Honeygo Elementary’s Charlene Behnke and Overlea High’s Monica Sample were named the 2019-20 BCPS Elementary and Secondary Principals of the Year at last night’s Teacher and Principal of the Year ceremony at George Washington Carver Center for Arts and Technology. “Charlene Behnke and Monica Sample are not just dedicated to students, they are dedicated to the entire […]

Students from Nottingham area serving as student pages during Maryland General Assembly

TOWSON, MD – When the Maryland General Assembly session ends on April 8, so will the service of 10 BCPS students assisting as 2019 student pages. Student pages are high school seniors selected to spend two nonconsecutive weeks in Annapolis during the General Assembly session to learn about the legislative process. For 2019, the BCPS seniors serving as pages are: […]

2019 BCPS Teacher of the Year nominees announced for Eastern Zone

Baltimore County Public Schools on Monday announced the nominees for the 2019 “Eastern Zone” Teacher of the Year award. Here are this year’s nominees, listed in alphabetical order by school. Stephanie Lawson, Battle Grove Elementary Terry Flynn, Battle Monument Cindy Laue, Bear Creek Elementary Stacey Steinberg, Berkshire Elementary Diane Pfeifer, Chapel Hill Elementary Carrie Sprucebank, Charlesmont Elementary Irene Check, Chase […]

Overlea High principal named a 2019 Literacy Leader by Loyola University Maryland

Towson, MD – Loyola University Maryland’s School of Education has named Monica Sample, principal of Overlea High School, as one of its two 2019 Literacy Leaders. The Literacy Leader Award recognizes graduates of Loyola’s literacy master’s program specializing in either reading or literacy who promote literacy, demonstrate innovation in practices, exhibit principal leadership within the school or community, and model […]

BCPS students earn 77 Scholastic Gold Key Awards in visual, literary arts

Towson, MD – Baltimore County Public Schools students have been honored with 77 Gold Keys through the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards programs. The awards, announced February 1, are the most prestigious art and writing awards presented to students in Grades 7 – 12. Submissions are juried by luminaries in the visual and literary arts, some of whom are past […]