Maryland Department of Health reports first cold weather-related death of the 2020-2021 winter weather season

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health on Wednesday reported the first cold-related illness death in Maryland for the 2020-2021 winter weather season. The deceased individual is an adult female in the 60-70 age range. The death occurred in Baltimore City. “As temperatures continue to drop, Marylanders are urged to stay vigilant and to take precautions to limit their exposure to […]

Maryland Department of Health provides tips to help residents avoid heat-related illnesses

BALTIMORE, MD—With the start of summer on June 20, the Maryland Department of Health is reminding residents to follow safety tips and take precautions to avoid illnesses due to extreme heat. There are currently no heat-related deaths reported in the state. During the 2019 extreme heat season, Maryland had 21 heat-related deaths. “As temperatures rise, Marylanders are at a greater […]

Maryland Department of Health reports first cold-related death of 2019-2020 winter season

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health on Wednesday reported the first cold-related illness death in Maryland for the 2019-2020 winter weather season. The deceased individual is an adult male in the 45-64 age range. The death occurred in Baltimore City. “As temperatures continue to drop, Marylanders are urged to take every precaution to help prevent cold-related illnesses,” said Deputy Secretary […]