Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program expands eligibility for early intervention services

BALTIMORE, MD—More infants in Maryland will qualify for crucial early intervention services under an expansion of the Maryland Infants and Toddlers Program (MITP) announced Wednesday by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). The program, which provides free support to families with children with developmental delays or disabilities, will now include infants weighing less than 3.5 pounds. The expansion, informed […]

BCPS teams up with National Dairy Association for National School Breakfast Week

ESSEX, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools and the American Dairy Association North East are teaming up to highlight the importance of school breakfast during National School Breakfast Week (March 3-7). They will host an event at Essex Elementary School on Wednesday, March 5, from 8:45-10:15 a.m. to showcase the school’s “grab and go breakfast” kiosks and emphasize the role of a […]

Governor Moore announces additional support for Maryland’s federal workforce

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Maryland Governor Wes Moore has announced several additional actions his administration is taking to support federal workers impacted by recent layoffs and funding changes. Governor Moore announced expanded resource webpages, job fairs, and directives to facilitate public servant transitions to new careers in Maryland after convening a roundtable with federal workers, business and union leaders, and cabinet officials. “We […]

BCPS graduation rate rises for second straight year, dropout rate improves

TOWSON, MD—The four-year cohort graduation rate for Baltimore County Public Schools students rose —for the second year in a row—to 85.84 percent, according to data released by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) on February 25. The graduation rate for the Class of 2024 increased by nearly one percentage point from the previous year’s rate of 84.99 percent. The […]

Maryland Department of Health expands access to school-based mental health services for children, youth [VIDEO]

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health has announced an expansion of Medicaid coverage to provide mental health services to all public school students enrolled in the program. Previously, Medicaid only covered these services for students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) or Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSPs). This means that over 650,000 Maryland children, almost half of the state’s student population, […]

14 Maryland schools honored for Gifted and Talented Education programs

BALTIMORE, MD—Fourteen schools across Maryland received recognition for their exceptional gifted and talented education programs on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025, as the state kicked off Gifted and Talented Education Month. The schools were awarded Excellence in Gifted and Talented Education (EGATE) designations by the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE). Dr. Carey M. Wright, State Superintendent of Schools, commended schools […]

Governor Moore discusses education reform in Baltimore County

REISTERSTOWN, MD—Reisterstown Elementary School served as the backdrop for a roundtable discussion on education reform and teacher recruitment with Governor Wes Moore, early-career educators, and local school officials on January 30, 2025. The event focused on the Moore-Miller administration’s strategies to improve classroom outcomes and attract and retain teachers. A key component of the discussion was the Excellence in Maryland […]

Maryland students improve on national math, reading tests

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland student achievement scores on the 2024 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) showed modest improvement in mathematics and continued progress in reading. The Nation’s Report Card, a congressionally mandated biennial assessment, measures student achievement in fourth and eighth-grade reading and math nationwide. While Maryland’s scores have declined over the past decade, this year’s results show some stabilization. Reading […]