Baltimore County Executive Olszewski announces free flu vaccinations on October 16, 17

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski and Health Officer Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch on Tuesday announced the County’s plan to host the annual Super Weekend Flu Clinics. The free two-day clinics will take place on October 16 and 17 in seven locations throughout the County. To ensure proper social distancing, attendees must schedule an appointment for the site of their […]

Parkville High School student to participate in virtual 2020-2021 All-County Honors Dance Ensemble concert

PARKVILLE, MD—The 2020-2021 All-County Honors Dance Ensemble of Baltimore County Public Schools will be featured in a virtual dance concert hosted by the Maryland State Department of Education’s Fine Arts Office.  A sophomore at Parkville High School will be one of the participants. The event, “Maryland Dances! A Statewide Dance Sharing,” will be available online on Wednesday, June 2, from […]

Parkville High School students to be featured on BCPS-TV dance special

PARKVILLE, MD—During January and February, the BCPS Office of Dance and Music Education and BCPS-TV will host “BCPS Dance: Dancing Together Forward.” The series will feature virtual concerts to showcase middle and high school dance programs. The concerts will air on BCPS-TV (Comcast channel 73 and Verizon channel 34) and be accessible on BCPS Vimeo and the BCPS YouTube channel. […]

Perry Hall, Parkville High School students named among “Champions of Courage” essay competition finalists

UPDATE: Perry Hall High School and Parkville High School students won first and second place. Original story below… —— NOTTINGHAM, MD—Five Baltimore County Public Schools students will appear on WBFF-TV FOX 45, WNUV-TV The CW Baltimore, and EBFF MyTV Baltimore saluting their personal heroes this January and February. The students are among the 15 area finalists in the 34th Annual […]

Rosedale location added to BCPS Mobile Meal Distribution Program, effective May 11

ROSEDALE, MD— The Fontana Village Community Center in Rosedale has been added to the list of distribution locations for the Baltimore County Public Schools’ Mobile Meal Program, effective Monday, May 11. At all sites, Baltimore County Public Schools students will receive a breakfast, lunch, and snack on Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, students will receive two breakfasts, two lunches, and […]

Dundalk, Middle River locations added to BCPS mobile meal distribution program

TOWSON, MD—Holabird East Apartments, Martin Boulevard Elementary School, and Norwood Elementary School have been added to the list of distribution locations for the Baltimore County Public Schools’ Mobile Meal Program, effective Monday, May 4. At all sites, students will receive a breakfast, lunch, and snack on Monday through Wednesday. On Thursday, students will receive two breakfasts, two lunches, and two […]

BCPS serves more than 50,000 meals during first week of school closure, 2 new distribution sites added

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools served more than 50,000 meals during the first week of the state-mandated school closure. Beginning Monday, March 23, two additional sites will be added as meal distribution locations bringing the total to 46. The following numbers of meals were distributed by BCPS from March 16 -20: Monday, March 16: 1,159 Tuesday, March 17: 1,911 Wednesday, […]

BCPS expands meal options for students

UPDATE 2: BCPS has announced changes to the Mobile Meal Program. UPDATE: The list of available locations has been expanded. Original story below… —— TOWSON, MD—In addition to the previously announced free meals available from Baltimore County Public Schools, the school system expanded meal sites on Tuesday and will begin providing breakfast, lunch, and dinner at all sites on Wednesday, […]