Novartis Pharmaceuticals to pay $4.4 million to resolve Medicaid fraud allegations

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh on Wednesday announced that Maryland will receive more than $4.4 million to resolve allegations that Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (Novartis) paid kickbacks to health care practitioners in the form of cash, meals, entertainment, and honoraria payments to induce them to prescribe various medications that treat hypertension or Type 2 Diabetes. “This is not the […]

Frosh files brief defending Affordable Care Act

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh this week filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court, supporting a coalition of states defending the Affordable Care Act against efforts by the Trump administration and a group of states led by Texas to repeal the entire ACA. In California, et al., v. Texas, et al., the Supreme Court agreed to […]

Governor Hogan announces health insurance premium rate decreases

Governor Larry Hogan on Friday announced approval of an average 13.2 percent premium rate decrease for individual health insurance plans with an effective date of January 1, 2019. These rates reflect the impact of Maryland’s 1332 State Innovation Waiver, which creates a State Reinsurance Program to help stabilize Maryland’s individual health insurance market and prevent previously-predicted massive rate hikes. “Rather than […]

Governor Hogan signs landmark health care legislation

Governor Larry Hogan, joined by Senate President Thomas V. “Mike” Miller and Speaker of the House Mike Busch, on Thursday signed landmark legislation to stabilize Maryland’s health care insurance market and prevent rates from soaring. “This problem should have been solved in Washington, but nothing has been done. Our team has been working on potential solutions for more than a […]