Maryland State Police to continue increased enforcement through Fourth of July holiday weekend

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland state troopers will be extra vigilant looking for impaired, distracted and aggressive drivers this Independence Day weekend to ensure travelers get to their holiday destination safely. With the Fourth of July falling on a Saturday this year, the holiday will be a three-day weekend for many people. As a result, troopers will be on patrol, using a variety […]

Maryland State Police to continue increased enforcement through Memorial Day weekend

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Maryland State Police troopers from all 23 barracks and from divisions not normally assigned to road patrol will be involved in targeted traffic safety initiatives through the Memorial Day weekend as part of their continuing effort to reduce speeding and address aggressive and impaired driving on Maryland roads. Authorities say the priority of every uniformed state trooper on patrol […]

Maryland State Police To Increase Patrols Approaching St. Patrick’s Day

BALTIMORE, MD—As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, Maryland State Police are reminding those who plan to celebrate with alcohol to keep safety in mind and avoid impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving. Holidays can lead to an increase in the number of impaired drivers across the state. Maryland State Police will conduct saturation patrols at each of the 23 barracks, focusing on […]

Maryland State Police to increase patrols for Thanksgiving holiday

PIKESVILLE, MD—Maryland State Police will have extra troopers on patrol all across the state as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches. Authorities say a variety of initiatives will be employed to keep traffic moving safely, to respond quickly to highway incidents, and to take appropriate enforcement action when violations occur, to keep travelers safe on Maryland roads. Beginning on Wednesday, November 27, […]

First responders, highway workers recognize National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week

BALTIMORE, MD—In support of Governor Larry Hogan declaring November 10—16 as Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA), MDTA Police, and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) are joining with partners statewide to recognize this national observance. “Every one of us plays a part when it comes to managing traffic incidents,” said MDTA […]

SAFETY TIPS: Wednesday is National Walk to School Day

BALTIMORE, MD—Wednesday, October 2, 2019, is National Walk to School Day and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and the Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office (MHSO) are reminding Marylanders to Look Up, Look Out and stay alert when walking to school and driving through school zones and communities. Schools across Maryland are participating in the […]

Maryland State Police to step up patrols for Labor Day weekend

PIKESVILLE, MD – Maryland State Police are gearing up for the Labor Day holiday, and troopers will be using a variety of initiatives to keep traffic moving, respond quickly to highway incidents, and take appropriate enforcement action when violations are observed. Beginning on Thursday, troopers from each of the 23 Maryland State Police barracks statewide will be focusing enforcement efforts […]

Maryland State Police to begin seat belt, ‘move over’ enforcement effort

PIKESVILLE, MD – As the Memorial Day holiday approaches, Maryland State Police will join forces with law enforcement agencies locally, along with those in Delaware, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. to remind drivers and passengers of the importance of seat belt use, while also highlighting “Move Over” laws. New to the region’s Click it or Ticket […]