MDOT announces masks now optional at BWI Marshall Airport, on MTA Transit Systems

HANOVER, MD—The Transportation Security Administration has rescinded the security directives requiring mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs that were scheduled to take effect on Tuesday. Effective immediately, masks are now optional in the terminal and on flights arriving and departing from Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport Masks also are now optional on all Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland […]

SHA to begin resurfacing project along Route 40 in eastern Baltimore County this week

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Motorists should be aware of a resurfacing project that will soon begin in eastern Baltimore County. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will begin a project on Wednesday, April 20, to mill and resurface asphalt pavement on westbound US 40 (Pulaski Highway) in eastern Baltimore County. Contractor crews will work between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m., […]

Governor Hogan unveils stained glass light box honoring Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Wednesday unveiled a stained glass light box commemorating the life and legacy of Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley. The governor and First Lady Yumi Hogan were joined for the event by Secretary Jim Ports of the Maryland Department of Transportation, Executive Director Bill Doyle of the Maryland Port Administration, and Congressman Kweisi Mfume. “The First Lady […]

SHA to begin Philadelphia Road resurfacing project this week

WHITE MARSH, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration will begin a project on Friday, April 8, to repair asphalt pavement on MD 7 (Philadelphia Road) in eastern Baltimore County. Starting at 9 a.m. on Friday, contractor crews will patch sections of asphalt pavement along two miles of MD 7 from Ebenezer Road to New Forge Road. Crews will […]

Maryland State Police to increase patrols as St. Patrick’s Day approaches

PIKESVILLE, MD—With St. Patrick’s Day coming up on Thursday, Maryland State Police are urging those who plan to celebrate with alcohol to be safe and smart and avoid impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving. With an increase in impaired drivers expected throughout the state this week, state police will be conducting saturation patrols at each of the 23 barracks focusing on […]

Amid billing woes, MDTA approves civil penalty waiver grace period for tolls

BALTIMORE, MD—At its monthly livestreamed public meeting, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Board approved a Customer Assistance Plan that includes a civil penalty waiver grace period that waives all civil penalties for customers who pay their unpaid tolls by 11:59 p.m. on November 30, 2022. This month, over 12,000 E-ZPass users signed a petition calling on Governor Larry Hogan to […]

Maryland State Highway Administration teams up with GEICO to promote highway safety

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration this week announced a new partnership with GEICO to sponsor the MDOT SHA Coordinated Highway Action Response Team (CHART) Emergency Patrol program. The support from GEICO comes at a time when winter weather has continued to place an increased demand on Emergency Patrol services needed to keep roadways clear and safe […]

State Highway Administration announces more than $1 million in grants for projects In Baltimore, Cecil, Montgomery Counties

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration this week announced more than $1 million in federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) grants to support three Maryland counties’ safety projects focused on eliminating pedestrian fatalities and serious injuries on state roadways. Funding was awarded to initiatives in Montgomery, Baltimore and Cecil counties. “The Maryland Department of Transportation is committed […]