Maryland State Police to step up St. Patrick’s Day DUI patrols

BALTIMORE, MD—In anticipation of increased DUI risks, the Maryland State Police have announced increased patrols and enforcement efforts targeting aggressive, distracted, and impaired driving throughout the St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Starting Friday, March 14th, and continuing through Monday, March 17th, troopers from all 23 barracks will be deployed in saturation patrols, focusing on roadways known for high rates of impaired […]

Protecting Baltimore County’s Future: Why we support the Farmland Preservation Act

The following is an update from Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki. Baltimore County stands at a crossroads. For nearly six decades, the Urban-Rural Demarcation Line (URDL) has been a cornerstone of smart land management, preserving our rural landscapes, safeguarding our water supply, and ensuring that development happens where infrastructure can support it. The URDL is the boundary between urbanized […]

Councilman Marks sponsors farmland preservation legislation

The following is a legislative update from Councilman David Marks. There are about 640 farms in Baltimore County that include 70,400 acres of land. Unfortunately, these properties—many of which have been farmed by generations of Baltimore Countians—are threatened by development, pollution, and industrial uses such as commercial solar facilities. I am sponsoring legislation that aim to protect important elements of […]