Kingsville Elementary School students recognized for completing Patriotic Scholars Program

KINGSVILLE, MD—Kingsville Elementary School recognized 46 students on Monday who completed the Patriotic Scholars Program. The students demonstrated a command of history, government, and geography that is essential for U.S. citizenship. “As the nation prepares for its 250th birthday in 2026, we need more programs like this to remind future generations of the lessons of history and the meaning of […]

Senator J.B. Jennings proposes legislation to enhance flexibility, alter provisions of reserve funds

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Senator J.B. Jennings introduced Senate Bill 787 – Cooperative Housing Corporations and Condominiums- Funding of Reserve Accounts and Timing of Reserve Studies, a measure aimed at enhancing the financial planning flexibility of cooperative housing corporations and residential condominiums in Maryland. The bill aims to update existing laws governing reserve studies and funding requirements, ensuring a more balanced approach to […]

Senator Jennings advocates on behalf of Development Disabilities Administration

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Senator J.B. Jennings addressed a packed room of family members and advocates at a breakfast in Annapolis, marking Maryland Developmental Disabilities Day. Speaking to hundreds of attendees from across the state, he emphasized the critical need to protect funding for the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), which provides vital services such as daily living assistance, occupational and physical therapy, adaptive […]

Senator J.B. Jennings introduces legislation requiring School Resource Officers to carry firearms

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Senator J.B. Jennings has introduced Senate Bill 644 — Public Schools — School Resource Officers — Firearms Required, a new measure aimed at bolstering the safety of students and staff in Maryland’s public schools. The proposed legislation mandates that all Public School Resource Officers (SROs) and School Police Officers carry firearms while on duty in schools. Senator Jennings emphasized […]

Councilman Marks introduces bill to allow golf cart usage on certain eastside neighborhood roads

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks has introduced a bill to allow for golf courts to be legally used on certain roads in Baltimore County, taking advantage of recently-passed state legislation. The bill would create a pilot program that would be reviewed after two years, based on feedback from the Police and Public Works and Transportation Departments. The pilot program […]

Councilman Marks pushes for state funding at three local corridors

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks has urged state officials to prioritize funding for three corridors in anticipation of the Consolidated Transportation Program meeting in Towson on Monday. The CTP meetings are held in each county as the state contemplates a long-term transportation program. “First, the construction of an eastbound connection from Philadelphia Road to White Marsh Boulevard is critically […]

Baltimore County Council approves purchase of C.P. Crane property

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—On September 3rd, the Baltimore County Council approved the county’s purchase of 85 acres of the former C.P. Crane plant in Middle River. Baltimore County will purchase about 85 acres of the site closest to the community, combining it with about 50 acres of county-owned land. Roughly 33 acres will remain privately-owned, and this part will be converted […]

Amtrak to clean up graffiti, overgrowth at Middle River train bridge

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Amtrak has agreed to clean up unsightly graffiti and overgrowth from a train bridge in Middle River, according to Delegate Ryan Nawrocki. “One of my top priorities is addressing long standing issues in our communities,” said Delegate Nawrocki. “I’m happy to announce that Amtrak has agreed to a request that I spearheaded along with Delegate Szeliga, Senator Jennings, […]