Olszewski announces Code Enforcement Improvement Work Group

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Tuesday announced the formation of a Code Enforcement Improvement Work Group to engage in a stakeholder-driven process to identify improvements to Baltimore County’s code enforcement program in order to better serve local residents. “Baltimore County code enforcement has immense potential to significantly improve resident’s day-to-day quality of life,” Olszewski said. “Over the course […]

Councilman Marks co-sponsors legislation to move council work sessions to evenings

UPDATE: The resolution has passed. Original story below… —— TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks will cosponsor legislation that moves the County Council work sessions from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays, allowing greater input by the public in the legislative process. The resolution is cosponsored by Republican Councilman Wade Kach and Democratic Councilman Izzy Patoka. The resolution was […]

Olszewski announces new HOME Act housing legislation

UPDATE 4: The HOME Act has been signed into law. UPDATE 3: Read Councilman Marks’ op-ed piece on the HOME Act here. UPDATE 2: The Baltimore County Council has voted to approve the HOME Act. UPDATE: Councilman David Marks says he plans to oppose the County Executive’s HOME Act legislation. Original story below… —— TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski […]

New Baltimore County Executive sworn in at Inauguration 2018

John Olszewski, Jr. was sworn in on Monday as Baltimore County’s fourteenth County Executive, vowing to create a more modern, transparent and open government. More than one thousand invited guests, elected officials, county employees, and members of the public celebrated the inauguration of local government officials in the executive, legislative and judicial branches. The inaugural ceremonies took place at Towson […]