Keep Maryland Beautiful grants award $238,751 for 2025 conservation efforts

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland Environmental Trust has approved 20 grants totaling $238,751 to be awarded for environmental education, community cleanup, tree planting, and beautification projects through the Keep Maryland Beautiful program. Presented annually since 1986, the grant program is managed by the Maryland Environmental Trust – a unit of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) – and administered on the department’s […]

Harford County purchases 129 acres formerly slated for residential development to become new Joppa park

JOPPA, MD—On January 31, 2024, Harford County Government, in collaboration with Harford Land Trust, Maryland Department of Natural Resources, and Aberdeen Proving Ground, purchased 129-acres of open space in Joppatowne on the eastern side of Trimble Road. Foster Branch Park will be the County’s newest public park and is permanently preserved with a conservation easement through Maryland’s Program Open Space. […]