Governor Hogan launches $28 million Chesapeake Bay Crossing Tier 2 Study

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Friday announced the next step in the strategy to address congestion and future traffic demand crossing the Chesapeake Bay. The launch of the Bay Crossing Study Tier 2 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) follows completion of the Tier 1 NEPA in April, and continues the governor’s unprecedented efforts to provide congestion relief for generations to […]

First responders, highway workers recognize National Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week

BALTIMORE, MD—In support of Governor Larry Hogan declaring November 10—16 as Traffic Incident Response Awareness Week, the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA), MDTA Police, and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) are joining with partners statewide to recognize this national observance. “Every one of us plays a part when it comes to managing traffic incidents,” said MDTA […]

Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study meeting to be held in Middle River

MIDDLE RIVER, MD – As part of the ongoing Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study, four preliminary alternatives will be presented to the public this fall. Thus far, data has shown that these preliminary corridor alternatives are the only corridors to sufficiently meet the purpose and need in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), according to the Maryland Transportation Authority. […]