Maryland Freedom Caucus launches ‘Lower Electric Bills Now’ energy platform

ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Maryland Freedom Caucus on Thursday unveiled its new “Lower Electric Bills Now” energy platform, aimed at reversing state policies that have led to skyrocketing utility costs for Maryland families. The Caucus, joined by Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD), called on the Maryland General Assembly and Governor Wes Moore to take immediate action to restore energy independence, eliminate unfair […]

Governor Moore announces EmPOWER Maryland plan to increase energy efficiency in more than 60,000 households

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Wes Moore this week announced that the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development will increase the number of households served by its EmPOWER Maryland energy efficiency program over the next three years. The approved plan is in response to new statewide household electric savings goals for limited-income households, established by the passage of HB169 during the 2023 […]

Maryland Department of the Environment releases draft plan to achieve climate goals

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of the Environment announced on Tuesday the release of a comprehensive, economy-wide plan to dramatically reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. MDE says the new draft plan will set Maryland on an ambitious path and “serve as a model for how the nation can respond to climate change while also supporting economic growth.” The Greenhouse Gas Emissions […]