Maryland State Police issue 800 citations, arrest 34 impaired drivers over Cinco de Mayo weekend

ESSEX, MD—The Maryland State Police partnered with local allied law enforcement agencies to conduct a cooperative high-visibility patrol initiative to combat dangerous driving over Cinco de Mayo weekend. Enforcement efforts were concentrated on driving behaviors that often lead to injuries or fatalities such as aggressive, distracted and impaired driving. During the course of the operation, police issued almost 800 citations […]

Maryland State Police to increase patrols, DUI enforcement efforts for Cinco de Mayo

PIKESVILLE, MD—Maryland State Police are reminding motorists to drive responsibly ahead of Cinco de Mayo weekend. In anticipation of an increase in impaired drivers this weekend, beginning with Cinco de Mayo on Friday, all 23 barracks across Maryland will ramp up enforcement efforts to combat impaired, distracted and aggressive driving. Troopers at each barrack, along with members of the State […]

Maryland State Police to focus on distracted driving during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

PIKESVILLE, MD—April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and the Maryland State Police are reminding motorists of the dangers of being on the road and not paying attention. According to the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office, more than 24,000 people are injured and 200 others die each year on Maryland roads as a result of […]

Maryland State Police to Increase patrols as St. Patrick’s Day weekend nears

PIKESVILLE, MD—With St. Patrick’s Day coming up on Friday, March 17, 2023, Maryland State Police are urging those who plan to celebrate with alcohol to drink responsibly and avoid impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving. With an expected increase of impaired drivers throughout the state this week, troopers at all 23 Maryland State Police barracks will conduct saturation patrols, focusing on […]

Maryland State Police to increase patrols over New Year’s Eve weekend

PIKESVILLE, MD—With New Year’s Eve weekend upon us, Maryland State Police are urging those who plan to celebrate with alcohol to be safe and avoid impaired, distracted, and/or aggressive driving. With an increase in impaired drivers expected throughout the state this weekend, state police will be conducting saturation patrols at each of the 23 barracks focusing on impaired, aggressive and […]

Maryland State Police to increase patrols ahead of Thanksgiving holiday

PIKESVILLE, MD—With more than 1 million Marylanders expected to travel 50 or more miles over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, Maryland State Police will be increasing patrols to ensure motorists arrive safely at their destination. Maryland State Police will be conducting saturation patrols at each of the 23 barracks with a focus on impaired, aggressive, and distracted driving. The State Police […]

Police to target impaired, distracted driving through Halloween

PIKESVILLE, MD—As children get their costumes ready, Maryland State Police say additional troopers will be deployed throughout the state to concentrate enforcement efforts on impaired driving and other dangerous driving behaviors including speeding and aggressive & distracted driving. Extra enforcement efforts are being funded by highway safety grants from the Maryland Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office to ensure added […]

Maryland State Police to target impaired, aggressive, distracted drivers over Labor Day weekend

PIKESVILLE, MD—As the unofficial end to summer approaches with the Labor Day weekend, Maryland State Police will be on the lookout for impaired, distracted and aggressive drivers. In preparation for the expected high volume of traffic and the potential for many more impaired drivers than on a typical weekend, Maryland State troopers will be on alert. With an increase in […]