Bill honoring veterans assigns portion of MDOT MVA specialty plate fees to Maryland Veterans Trust Fund

NOTTINGHAM, MD—A new law taking effect July 1 benefits Maryland veterans every time certain special vehicle registration plates are purchased from the Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA). House Bill 646 was passed in the 2020 Maryland General Assembly session and allocates $10 from the sale of certain plates to Maryland Veterans Trust Fund, a non-emergency, temporary […]

MVA expanding appointments to include vehicle titling

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration is expanding its weekly appointment offerings to include select vehicle service transactions. Maryland residents can now take advantage of 2,646 new weekly appointments for vehicle titling services. Customers who schedule an appointment are guaranteed to be seen within 15 minutes of that appointment time. “Appointments for driver licensing related transactions have […]

SAFETY TIPS: Wednesday is National Walk to School Day

BALTIMORE, MD—Wednesday, October 2, 2019, is National Walk to School Day and the Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) and the Motor Vehicle Administration’s Highway Safety Office (MHSO) are reminding Marylanders to Look Up, Look Out and stay alert when walking to school and driving through school zones and communities. Schools across Maryland are participating in the […]

Police to crackdown on speeders along I-95 in Thursday

Motorists beware. To help prevent crashes from speeding and aggressive driving, multiple law-enforcement agencies will participate in a joint enforcement effort along Interstate 95 on Thursday, February 2nd. “Speed and aggressive driving continue to be major factors in crashes in Maryland and across the U.S.,” said Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Executive Director Kevin C. Reigrut. “We are grateful to the […]