Plunge Maryland raises over $54,000 for Special Olympics [PHOTOS]

NOTTINGHAM, MD—On Friday, police plungers braved the cold and took a dip for charity. More than 1,100 plungers from 70 teams braved the 44-degree Chesapeake Bay water in support of Special Olympics. Their initial fundraising goal was $20,000, but once they hit that mark, they quickly raised it to $25,000. In all, police plungers wound up raising over $54,000 total […]

Governor Hogan announces budget focused on violent crime, education, economic development

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced highlights of his Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) budget, which invests in initiatives to address violent crime, funds education at record levels for the sixth consecutive year, advances the Howard Street Tunnel project to bring thousands of jobs to the Baltimore region, and fully funds Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts and land preservation programs. This […]

County completes Nottingham-area stream restoration projects

NOTTINGHAM, MD—County Executive Johnny Olszewski announced on Friday that Baltimore County had recently completed six large-scale stream restoration projects in four severely compromised waterways in order to address erosion, reduce pollutant and sediment loads, and improve water quality and aquatic habitat locally, and in the Chesapeake Bay. “We have significantly increased funding to our Capital Waterway Improvement Program to address […]

Baltimore County reminds residents not to rake or blow yard materials into streets

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County officials are reminding residents that raking or blowing leaves and grass trimmings into the gutter or street is unsafe, potentially damaging to the Chesapeake Bay, and illegal. Leaves in the gutter can lead to fires and endanger children who might try to play in the leaves. Leaves and grass trimmings can also clog drains and, if the […]

Governor Hogan urges Congress to fully fund Chesapeake Bay restoration

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan, chairman of the Chesapeake Executive Council, along with other watershed state leaders sent a letter on Thursday to U.S. House of Representatives and Senate leaders calling on Congress to fully fund federal Chesapeake Bay restoration programs. The Senate approved a measure today that increases funding for the Bay, but falls short of the $85 million in […]

Governor Hogan announces agreement with Exelon on Conowingo Dam

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Tuesday announced a comprehensive agreement between the Maryland Department of the Environment and Exelon Generation Company, LLC, which requires Exelon to invest more than $200 million in environmental projects and operational enhancements to improve water quality in the lower Susquehanna River and the Chesapeake Bay. The agreement settles Exelon’s legal challenges to the water quality […]

Rep. Elijah Cummings dies at 68, local leaders pay tribute

BALTIMORE, MD—U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings of Baltimore died of a long-standing illness early Thursday morning according to his office.  He was 68 years old. A spokesman for the key Democrat said that he passed away at Johns Hopkins Hospital at around 2:45 a.m. Cummings had recently been embroiled in a Twitter battle with President Donald Trump over the conditions within […]

Maryland Department of the Environment releases draft plan to achieve climate goals

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of the Environment announced on Tuesday the release of a comprehensive, economy-wide plan to dramatically reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. MDE says the new draft plan will set Maryland on an ambitious path and “serve as a model for how the nation can respond to climate change while also supporting economic growth.” The Greenhouse Gas Emissions […]