Comptroller Franchot urges fiscal restraint with release of FY 2019 closeout report

ANNAPOLIS, MD — Comptroller Peter Franchot on Thursday announced that revenues for Fiscal Year 2019 came in $216.6 million above the Board of Revenue Estimates’ projections, bringing the unassigned balance of the State’s General Fund to $351 million, or less than one percent of the total FY 19 operating budget of $44.6 billion. The final closeout numbers reflect stronger-than-expected revenue […]

Olszewski names Director of Budget and Finance

TOWSON, MD – Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Tuesday nominated Edward Blades to serve as the Director of Budget and Finance, a position that oversees formulation of the county budget and manages the county’s finances. Blades has served as Deputy Director of Budget and Finance since 2012, and has served in the county’s Office of Budget and Finance since […]

Glassman administration awards $1.5 million to non-profits promoting Harford County tourism

HARFORD COUNTY, MD – Harford County Executive Barry Glassman announced on Monday that 25 local non-profits would receive $1.5 million in fiscal year 2020 to plan and implement tourism-related activities. Now in its fifth consecutive year, Harford County’s competitive award program is funded by the local hotel/lodging fee initiated by the Glassman administration in March 2015. The program supports historical, […]

Marks, Henn to hold town hall meeting on next steps in middle school construction process

NOTTINGHAM, MD – Baltimore County Councilman David Marks and Baltimore County Board of Education member Julie Henn will hold a town hall meeting next month to discuss next steps in building the new northeast area (Nottingham) middle school. The meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 2, 2019, at 6 p.m. at the Perry Hall Family Worship Center located at […]

Olszewski unveils Baltimore County ‘open budget’ platform

TOWSON – Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Monday unveiled a new open budget platform where residents can view detailed information about the county’s budget, bringing a new level of transparency to how the county spends taxpayer dollars. “An open, transparent government is an accountable government. We can better serve the residents of Baltimore County by ensuring they have access […]

Councilman Marks supports $41 million in Baltimore County budget cuts

PERRY HALL, MD – At the Baltimore County Council meeting on May 18th, Fifth District Councilman David Marks supported more than $41 million in Baltimore County budget cuts identified by the nonpartisan Auditor’s office. Republicans on the Council were outvoted by the majority party, which settled for $14 million in cuts across the Departments of Public Works, the Office of […]

Olszewski budget makes significant investments in education

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski, Jr. on Monday submitted a $3.4 billion budget proposal for fiscal year 2020. The proposed budget for FY 2020 addresses a structural shortfall while making significant investments in education, investing in sustainability and diversity, and providing funds for key priorities. In his address to the County Council, Olszewski emphasized his support for education, saying, “Investments in our […]

Baltimore County retains coveted triple-A bond rating

County Executive Johnny Olszewski announced on Tuesday that Baltimore County had retained its triple-A bond rating from all three major rating agencies, allowing the county to continue to issue bonds at the lowest possible interest rate. Moody’s Investor Service, Fitch Ratings, and S&P Global Ratings have each affirmed the county’s triple-A rating, making Baltimore County one of only 45 counties nationwide […]