Maryland observes International Overdose Awareness Day, Recovery Month 2020 with message of commitment

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Lieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford announced that Maryland would continue its tradition of observing International Overdose Awareness Day (IODAD) on Monday and National Recovery Month in 2020 this September. Maryland’s theme for both IODAD and Recovery Month 2020 is “Recovery: Pass It On, Keep It Going!” “International Overdose Awareness Day and Recovery Month provide us with opportunities to pause […]

Maryland Department of Health launches MD Mind Health

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health on Wednesday announced the launch of MD Mind Health, a new text-based mental health initiative to fight isolation and encourage mental wellness. The new program was developed by the MDH Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) in partnership with Maryland 211, the state’s crisis hotline. “Staying connected with family, friends and other support systems is more […]

New partnership provides mental health counseling to nursing home staff and other frontline workers

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health is partnering with the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS) to provide the Maryland COVID-19 Mental Health Crisis Support Program, a new initiative offering mental health support for people working in skilled nursing and other long-term care facilities impacted by COVID-19. In recent weeks, MIEMSS has coordinated with medical health task forces […]

Maryland Department of Health offers mental health support to frontline workers during COVID-19 pandemic

Baltimore, MD – The Maryland Department of Health is proactively supporting frontline workers during the COVID-19 outbreak by sharing widespread mental health resources, joining forces with experts throughout the state, offering discussion groups and weekly webinars for behavioral health providers, and providing virtual training and recovery resources. Health professionals across Maryland are uniting to share resources, build partnerships and raise […]

Maryland Department of Health releases mental health public service announcements on coping during COVID-19 pandemic

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Health on Thursday released 20 public service videos regarding ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. The videos address the importance of maintaining mental health during the outbreak for five audiences: health professionals, parents of young children, adolescents and young adults, adults with disabilities and older adults. The 15-, 30- […]

Governor Hogan releases FY 2021 supplemental budget

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Thursday submitted a supplemental budget for Fiscal Year 2021 (FY21) that requests $10 million for emergency coronavirus preparedness expenses and funding for other important state and local initiatives. In addition, the governor’s supplemental budget further reins in general fund spending growth to 0.5%, and provides more than $90 million in general fund savings. “With this supplemental […]

Governor Hogan announces $6.4 million federal grant to combat opioid epidemic

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Thursday announced that the Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention (GOCCP) had received more than $6 million from the Department of Justice for the state of Maryland to support a coordinated, statewide response to the opioid crisis in collaboration with the work of the Opioid Operational Command Center. The Maryland Statistical Analysis Center (MSAC) […]

Maryland Department of Health launches electronic toolkit to help prevent overdose deaths

BALTIMORE, MD – In conjunction with International Overdose Awareness Day on Saturday, Aug. 31, the Maryland Department of Health will launch a new tool to help prevent overdose deaths — the Naloxone Electronic Toolkit. Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an opioid overdose and can help save lives when administered quickly and correctly. Created by MDH’s Behavioral Health Administration […]