Councilman Marks to sponsor bill strengthening land preservation

NOTTINGHAM, MD—In 1967, Baltimore County passed one of the most far-reaching land preservation acts in Maryland history, creating the Urban-Rural Demarcation Line. The URDL, as it is commonly known, separates the county into “urban” and “rural” areas. Sewer systems, public water, and infrastructure is generally focused within the urbanized part of the URDL, while farmland dominates the region outside this […]

Councilman Marks provides update on Baltimore County ballot questions

The following is an update from the desk of Councilman David Marks. In the upcoming general election, voters will be asked to support or turn down three changes to our charter, which provides the framework for governing Baltimore County. Question A would expand the Baltimore County Council by two seats, from seven to nine members, and stipulate that Councilmembers are […]

Baltimore County to hold public hearing on proposed water supply, sewerage plan amendments

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Planning Board is set to hold a public hearing to discuss the proposed amendments to the Baltimore County Water Supply and Sewerage Plan, known as Amendment Cycle 42. The hearing will be held at 5 p.m. on July 18 in Room 104 of the Jefferson Building, located at 105 West Chesapeake Avenue in Towson. The Baltimore […]

Baltimore County Council considers new legislation to confirm County Executive’s planning board picks

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Council is taking steps to secure more control over the County Executive’s planning board picks. The council is considering legislation that would require the County Executive’s picks for the planning board to be confirmed by the full County Council. The planning board is currently composed of 15 members, with eight of them appointed by the County […]

Councilman Marks proposes to protect over 3,300 acres in northeastern Baltimore County as green space

NOTTINGHAM, MD—With the closing of filing for the Comprehensive Zoning Map Process, Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Thursday announced that his office has initiated a review of a historic amount of land in the Eastside communities of Kingsville, Perry Hall, White Marsh, and Middle River. Altogether, Councilman Marks has requested that 3,343 acres be downzoned to as green space […]

Councilman Marks announces reappointment of Bev German to Baltimore County Planning Board

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Monday announced his reappointment of Perry Hall resident Beverly German to the Baltimore County Planning Board. “Bev has been an outstanding member of this panel since her appointment in 2021. She is a lifelong Baltimore County resident, moving to Perry Hall in 1977, said Councilman Marks. “She has spent 50 years in education, […]

Baltimore County officials unveil comprehensive Bike and Pedestrian Master Plan

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Department of Public Works and Transportation on Monday released its first-ever countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (PDF). The document offers a strategic roadmap for the development of active transportation infrastructure, and was created to reflect the evolving needs of Baltimore County communities. It updates and builds upon the Eastern Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Plan (2006) […]

NOW YOU KNOW: Addressing Development Concerns and Preserving our Waterways

The following is an op-ed piece from Delegates Kathy Szeliga and Ryan Nawrocki. As you may have read, there are significant local concerns over the 1,000 plus new apartments coming to the White Marsh area. Many residents in Eastern Baltimore County are witnessing a sprawling development taking place along Route 1, Route 43, and beyond. Much of the rural character […]