CCBC to partner with Baltimore County to offer contact trace investigator training, privacy advocates express concern

ESSEX, MD—The Community College of Baltimore County will be partnering with Baltimore County government to create an online training program for contact trace investigators, but some are concerned about the privacy aspects of such a program. Contact trace investigators work with individuals who have suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, helping to identify others with whom they have had close […]

Olszewski announces major COVID-19 economic relief efforts for small businesses, artists, musicians

TOWSON, MD—County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Tuesday announced a series of economic relief efforts to support small businesses and individuals impacted by the severe financial pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic: Baltimore County announces $10 million in new grant funding for small businesses County offers $100,000 in grants to assist professional artists, musicians and performers CCBC to launch online contact […]

Baltimore County announces two new COVID-19 testing sites

TOWSON, MD—A little more than a week after opening its drive-through testing site at the Maryland State Fairgrounds in Timonium, Baltimore County is opening two additional sites to help keep pace with the demand for testing, as well as provide access in areas with high rates of confirmed COVID-19 cases. Beginning next week, the Baltimore County Department of Health will […]

Baltimore County to open drive-through COVID-19 testing clinic at Timonium Fairgrounds

TIMONIUM, MD—In an effort to keep pace with the demand for COVID-19 testing, the Baltimore County Department of Health will open a drive-through clinic to test patients who have a medical order from a healthcare provider. The clinic will be located at the Timonium Fairgrounds (2200 York Road, Timonium, Maryland, 21093) and will open on Thursday, April 16th. Testing will […]

Olszewski to hold virtual town halls on COVID-19, budget

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski has announced that he will be holding virtual town halls to discuss COVID-19 and the county budget. At 6 p.m. on Thursday, April 2, Olszewski will hold an online town hall to discuss the county’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. County Executive Olszewski, Dr. Gregory Wm. Branch, Director of the Baltimore County Department of […]

Olszewski: Gatherings of over 50 people prohibited, evictions suspended, water shutoffs halted

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Monday announced a series of new efforts to further expand Baltimore County’s coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic and to promote social distancing in order to slow the spread of the virus. Large Gatherings of Over 50 People Prohibited In accordance with the CDC’s new interim guidelines, County Executive Olszewski issued an executive […]

County Executive Olszewski declares local state of emergency

TOWSON, MD—In order to expand Baltimore County’s coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski on Friday declared a local state of emergency and has released additional information and guidance. “Our highest priority is to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of our residents. In declaring this state of emergency, I am authorizing Baltimore County government to […]