Governor Hogan announces renewal of affordable housing program for Marylanders With disabilities

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Larry Hogan on Friday announced that the State of Maryland would renew its partnership with The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation to implement the Affordable Rental Housing Opportunities for People with Disabilities initiative. This collaborative effort, overseen jointly by the Maryland Departments of Disabilities (MDOD), Housing and Community Development (DHCD), and Health (MDH), will finance the creation of […]

Baltimore County seeks input on community development needs

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County residents can now participate in an online survey that will allow citizens to express their views regarding the needs and conditions of the community in which they live or work. The Community Needs Survey will assist the county in identifying emerging trends and in establishing priorities for the use of federal funds to address the needs of […]

Johnny Olszewski signs HOME Act into law [VIDEO]

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski signed the HOME Act into law on Tuesday. The controversial Housing Opportunities Made Equal Act was passed earlier this month by a vote that, not surprisingly, went along party lines. The HOME Act, which Olszewski introduced in October, makes it illegal for a landlord to refuse to rent to a potential tenant based on […]

Bevins receiving death threats, Marks issues statement

UPDATE: The HOME Act has been signed into law. Original story below… —— NOTTINGHAM, MD—In the wake of this week’s passage of the HOME Act, Councilwoman Cathy Bevins has reportedly been receiving death threats. Earlier this week, the Baltimore County Council passed the HOME Act, which will prevent landlords from discriminating against potential renters who use vouchers as a source […]

Councilman Marks: Affordable housing agreement hits northeast Baltimore County the hardest

UPDATE: The HOME Act has been signed into law. Original story below… —— The following is an op-ed piece from Baltimore County Fifth District Councilman David Marks… On November 5th, the Baltimore County Council passed the Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) Act, on a party-line vote. I opposed this legislation, and here’s why. If this bill was simply about discrimination, […]

Baltimore County Council approves HOME Act

UPDATE 3: The HOME Act has been signed into law. UPDATE 2: Read Councilman Marks’ op-ed piece on the HOME Act here. UPDATE: Councilman David Marks has issued a statement regarding the passing of the HOME Act. “Contrary to its name, this bill does not equalize housing opportunities,” said Marks. “Wealthy neighborhoods with no rentals will not be affected, while […]

Councilman Marks to oppose new HOME Act housing legislation

UPDATE 3: The HOME Act has been signed into law. UPDATE 2: Read Councilman Marks’ op-ed piece on the HOME Act here. UPDATE: The Baltimore County Council has voted to approve the HOME Act. Original story below… —— NOTTINGHAM, MD—Councilman David Marks on Friday said he would oppose County Executive Johnny Olszewski’s new HOME Act legislation. Olszewski has announced plans […]

Olszewski announces new HOME Act housing legislation

UPDATE 4: The HOME Act has been signed into law. UPDATE 3: Read Councilman Marks’ op-ed piece on the HOME Act here. UPDATE 2: The Baltimore County Council has voted to approve the HOME Act. UPDATE: Councilman David Marks says he plans to oppose the County Executive’s HOME Act legislation. Original story below… —— TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski […]