The Maryland School for the Blind partners with Orioles, League of Dreams to host beep baseball game

NOTTINGHAM, MD—The Maryland School for the Blind is teaming up with the Baltimore Orioles and the League of Dreams to host a beep baseball game for students who are blind or low vision. The event will be held on the campus of the Maryland School for the Blind on Wednesday, September 8 from 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Beep baseball, […]

BCPS announces fall athletics spectator and visiting team guidelines

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Public Schools Office of Athletics on Wednesday announced the following guidelines for attendance at all BCPS athletic events for athletes, coaches, and spectators: Face Coverings Face coverings are required for athletes when inside a school unless the athlete is in the field of play. Coaches and sideline players must wear a face covering while indoors, regardless […]

Maryland state record blue marlin caught in Ocean City

OCEAN CITY, MD—A Florida angler is the new Maryland state record holder for a blue marlin, which he caught in an August 20 tournament at Ocean City. Billy Gerlach, 41, of Jupiter, Fla. broke the state’s 12-year-old standing record for the Atlantic Division, with a 1,135-pound blue marlin — Makaira nigricans — caught during the 30th MidAtlantic fishing tournament. After […]

Orioles first baseman Chris Davis retires

BALTIMORE, MD—Baltimore Orioles first baseman Chris Davis on Friday announced his retirement from baseball. Davis missed all of the 2021 season due to an injury. The Orioles organization has issued the following statement: “The Orioles support Chris Davis as he retires from baseball today. We thank Chris for his 11 years of service to the club, to Orioles fans, and […]

Gunpowder Elementary outdoor stage, Perry Hall High field netting projects approved

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Privately funded capital projects for Gunpowder Elementary School and Perry Hall High School have been approved, BCPS Board Member Julie Henn announced on Wednesday. Gunpowder Elementary Outdoor Stage The Gunpowder Elementary PTA is donating the cost of the installation, materials, labor, fees, and overhead associated with building the stage area of the newly revitalized playground at Gunpowder Elementary. The new […]

Angler breaks newly set Maryland swordfish record

UPDATE: This record has been broken. Original story below… —— OCEAN CITY, MD—A New Jersey angler is now the second officially recognized state record holder for swordfish, which he caught in a tournament on August 6 in Ocean City. Jake Bertonazzi broke the state’s nearly two-week-old record for the Atlantic Division with a 318.5-pound swordfish — Xiphias gladius — caught […]