Ravens-themed playground debuts in Baltimore County

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County officials on Monday debuted a new Baltimore Ravens-themed playground in Owings Mills. The playground, made possible with a $500,000 contribution by the Baltimore Ravens as part of the NFL Play 60 Initiative, is the area’s first destination playground. Located in Northwest Regional Park, the new playground includes a wheelchair-accessible rubberized surface, timed challenge course with obstacles, artificial […]

Baltimore Running Festival 2022: Road closures, parking restrictions announced for Saturday

BALTIMORE, MD—For those heading downtown this weekend, the Baltimore City Department of Transportation is advising motorists of temporary road closures, lane closures, and parking restrictions in effect for the 21st annual Baltimore Running Festival, which will be held on Saturday, October 15, 2022. Over 10,000 people are expected to participate in this year’s event. Public transportation including e-scooters or bikes […]

Baltimore County releases draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan for public comment

TOWSON, MD—The Department of Public Works and Transportation on Wednesday released a draft report, which includes recommendations to bolster the County’s ongoing efforts to expand bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure improvements in Baltimore County. The public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the recommendations until Tuesday, November 1, and may submit comments online. “We are proud to have reimagined […]

Maryland state record albacore caught in Atlantic Ocean

POOLESVILLE, MD—Another Maryland fishing record has been set. Thomas “Tad” Bodmer of Poolesville has been recognized by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources as the new state record holder Atlantic Division for albacore, or long-fin tuna (Thunnus alalunga), with his 77-pound catch. Bodmer, a recent convert to saltwater fishing, was aboard the charter Top Dog on September 20 as Captain […]

Maryland state record swordfish caught off Ocean City coast

OCEAN CITY, MD—Jeff Jacobs has been officially recognized by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources as the new state record holder for the Atlantic Division 393-pound swordfish (Xiphias gladius) he caught in the canyons off the coast of Ocean City. Jacobs, 38, was on charter boat RoShamBo with Captain Willie Zimmerman and crew and preparing to return to shore following […]

New rules to take effect on Friday for all BCPS sporting events

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County Public Schools officials have outlined some new rules that will go into effect for all school sports activities this weekend. The new guidelines will be effective as of Friday, September 23, 2022. The memo sent to all BCPS parents reads as follows: Dear Parents and Guardians: Baltimore County Public Schools is committed to providing a safe and […]

Baltimore Country Club awarded two USGA Amateur Championships

BALTIMORE, MD—Baltimore Country Club’s East Course has been chosen by the USGA as the host site for the 2026 U.S. Senior Amateur and 2031 U.S. Women’s Amateur Championships. The club has previously hosted four USGA championships, most recently the 1988 U.S. Women’s Open. “We are thrilled to return to Baltimore Country Club and rekindle our relationship with a club that […]

The Maryland School for the Blind partners with Orioles, League of Dreams to host Beep Baseball event this week

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland School for the Blind is teaming up once again with the Baltimore Orioles and the League of Dreams to host the annual Beep Baseball Fall Classic for students who are blind or low-vision. The event will be held on the campus of the Maryland School for the Blind located at 3501 Taylor Avenue in Baltimore on Tuesday, […]