Maryland State Highway Administration urges renewed commitment to safety during National Pedestrian Safety Month

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Highway Administration is observing National Pedestrian Safety Month in October and is urging motorists to follow safe behaviors by paying attention, avoiding distractions, never speeding and maintaining the rules of the road. “The State Highway Administration is committed to making significant investments and improvements to facilities to improve access and safety for vulnerable users,” said State […]

Community crime & safety walk to be held in Linover next week

NOTTINGHAM, MD—A Community Crime & Safety Walk will be held in the Linover area next week. The walk, organized by the Linover Improvement Association and Delegate Carl Jackson, will take place 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Participants will include Baltimore County Police Department Chief Robert McCullough and state & local officials. Participants are asked to meet […]

Baltimore County Public Schools officials announce October magnet showcase events

TOWSON, MD—Students and families interested in Baltimore County Public Schools magnet programs are invited to visit the programs during magnet showcase events in October. The magnet website identifies programs and the schools where they are located. BCPS magnet programs are theme-oriented courses of study that provide students with in-depth experiences in specialized areas of interest. BCPS has nearly 120 elementary, […]