Maryland Transportation Authority Police celebrate 59th officer candidate class graduation

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Police celebrated Maryland’s newest police officers during a ceremony at MDTA Police Headquarters on Wednesday evening. Members of Officer Candidate Class 59 completed a demanding academy training program that began in June 2024. Ten new MDTA Police Officers and one Maryland Natural Resources Police Officer persevered through the rigorous training program. Police recruits are […]

Crews to temporarily close merge lane on I-695 in Parkville on weekdays beginning Monday

PARKVILLE, MD—The MDOT State Highway Administration will install new work zone traffic signs on eastbound I-695 (Baltimore Beltway Inner Loop) between MD 41 (Perring Parkway) and MD 147 (Harford Road) in Parkville beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday February 17, 2025.  Work is expected to be complete by 3 p.m. Friday, February 28, weather permitting. During the installation, contractor crews […]

Maryland Freedom Caucus launches ‘Lower Electric Bills Now’ energy platform

ANNAPOLIS, MD—The Maryland Freedom Caucus on Thursday unveiled its new “Lower Electric Bills Now” energy platform, aimed at reversing state policies that have led to skyrocketing utility costs for Maryland families. The Caucus, joined by Rep. Andy Harris, M.D. (R-MD), called on the Maryland General Assembly and Governor Wes Moore to take immediate action to restore energy independence, eliminate unfair […]

Maryland angler breaks own state record for longnose gar

BALTIMORE, MD—A Maryland angler reeled in a state record longnose gar last week, surpassing a record he previously held. David Confair of Secretary in Dorchester County caught the 20.5-pound, 49.5-inch fish on February 8 while fishing in Marshyhope Creek, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources announced. Confair’s catch is a new state record for the Chesapeake division. Confair was fishing […]

Senator J.B. Jennings introduces legislation requiring School Resource Officers to carry firearms

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Senator J.B. Jennings has introduced Senate Bill 644 — Public Schools — School Resource Officers — Firearms Required, a new measure aimed at bolstering the safety of students and staff in Maryland’s public schools. The proposed legislation mandates that all Public School Resource Officers (SROs) and School Police Officers carry firearms while on duty in schools. Senator Jennings emphasized […]