Business, Politics, Traffic

Councilman Marks, owner of Philadelphia Road site address trucking activity

WHITE MARSH, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Friday announced commitments from the owners of the property at 11237 Philadelphia Road (21162), the former Vince’s Auto Parts site, designed to reduce the impact of the current trucking company on surrounding neighborhoods.

Councilman Marks and representatives from the White Marsh-Cowenton Improvement Association met with Triten Industrial Outdoor Storage recently regarding neighborhood concerns about truck parking, the entrance to the site, and the mud being dragged onto Philadelphia Road.

According to an email from Triten’s attorney, the company has committed to the following:
“Triten has notified Lucky Cargo that tracking mud/dirt onto the road is not permitted. Further, it is a code violation and should there be any future infractions, Lucky Cargo will bear the cost of any code violation associated with such infraction.

Triten has notified Lucky Cargo to clearly communicate to their drivers that they shall not park/idle on the street while they are waiting to enter the site. They are working internally to establish rules around delivery timelines and create a staging area within the leased premises to eliminate trucks parking on the roadway.
Triten has notified Lucky Cargo that it must keep the site in a clean state. Trash on the road/property will not be permitted.

Triten is exploring adding cameras to the site to maintain better oversight of the property and allow them to hold Lucky Cargo accountable for any infractions.

Triten is investigating widening the access point so as to allow for a wider turning radius for trucks entering the site. This will hopefully eliminate the need for trucks to make three point turns when entering the site.
Triten has notified Lucky Cargo of the March 29 community clean-up day.”

“I appreciate the commitments Triten has made to be a good neighbor,” said Councilman Marks. “I would also like to thank Mark Hauf and Cathy Allen for representing the neighborhoods in these discussions. I am hopeful for some improvements.”

Photo via Triten IOS

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