Around Maryland, Crime, Police/Fire

MDTA Police conduct 294 traffic stops on St. Patrick’s Day

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) Police Officers conducted high visibility traffic enforcement across the state on St. Patrick’s Day.

Officers focused on the leading causes of crashes including impaired and aggressive driving. MDTA Police Officers conducted 294 traffic stops and removed multiple impaired drivers from Maryland roadways.

Officers from MDTA Police detachments at Maryland toll facilities, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport, and the Port of Baltimore participated in the eight-hour initiative on Monday evening. Patrol officers were supplemented by officers from specialized units including the Commercial Vehicle Safety Unit, the K-9 Unit, and the Criminal Investigation Unit.

Additional enforcement efforts are planned throughout the year. To report dangerous driving on Maryland toll roads, contact MDTA Police Dispatch at 410-537-7911.

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