Events, Police/Fire

Red Cross to hold blood drive at WMVFC

WHITE MARSH, MD—The American Red Cross will hold a blood drive in White Marsh next month.

The event will be held 8:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 8, 2025 at the White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company station.

Due to winter storm cancellations, donors of all blood types are urgently needed to give. Right now, the Red Cross is distributing blood products to hospitals faster than donations are coming in. Without more blood donors now, hospitals may not have the blood needed to save lives.

Eligible donors with type O, A negative, and B negative blood are urged to make a donation.

Call 1-800 RED CROSS (733-2767) to schedule a donation or click here.

Donors can save time by using RapidPass to begin their health history. For more information, visit Eligibility questions can be addressed by calling 1-866-236-3276.

WMVFC is located at 10331 Philadelphia Road in White Marsh (21162).

Additional information is available in the flyer below.

Red Cross Blood Drive White Marsh Volunteer Fire Company 20250308

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