
Eastern Tech, Towson High juniors selected as finalists for Student Member of the Board of Education

TOWSON, MD—Two Baltimore County Public School juniors – Foresight Ogungbe of Eastern Technical High School, and Sophie Vijayan of Towson High School – are the final candidates for student member of the Board of Education of Baltimore County (SMOB) for the 2025-26 school year.

The two finalists were selected following application reviews and interviews with a panel of students and staff.

Ogungbe is a magnet student in Eastern Tech’s Academy of Health Professions program. At her school, she is president of the Class of 2026, vice president of the African Student Association, and vice president of the Black Student Union. Her countywide activities include serving as vice president of Baltimore County Student Councils and chair of the Board of Selected Students. At the statewide level, she is the only student member on the School Safety Subcabinet of the Maryland Center for School Safety and serves as a liaison between MCSS and the Maryland Association of Student Councils. In 2024, the speaker of the Maryland House of Delegates appointed Ogungbe to the 24-member Maryland Youth Advisory Council.

In her application for the student member of the board position, Ogungbe wrote, “My passion for advocacy and amplifying student voices stems from a belief that students are the heart of the education system and deserve to shape decisions that impact them. Growing up in a culturally-rich household and serving in leadership roles, I’ve seen the power of making individuals heard. Whether addressing inequities, pushing for mental health resources, or fostering inclusivity, I strive to represent all students.”

Vijayan is enrolled in the Law and Public Policy magnet program at Towson High and was named a finalist for Law Day Student of the Year at her school in 2023. She is a member of the Towson High Student Council, vice president of its Model Congress, and secretary of its Speech and Debate team. She belongs to the National Honor Society, Science Honor Society, and Rho Kappa. In the community, Vijayan is vice president of the Dear Asian Youth Baltimore Chapter and legislative affairs coordinator of Baltimore County Student Councils. Last school year, she participated in a Social Justice Teen Fellowship with the Elijah Cummings Youth Program and created a podcast centered on issues of social justice.

Vijayan wrote in her application essay, “My motivation for this position stems from my own experiences as a student within the BCPS system. I know what it’s like to feel both inspired and frustrated by the school system. I’ve seen the incredible potential our schools have to uplift and empower students, but I’ve also noticed where we fall short. I want to bridge the gap between what’s working and what needs improvement by bringing student ideas and concerns directly to the decision-making table.”

Videotaped speeches from the candidates will be available online, on BCPS-TV, and in selected English language arts classes starting on Wednesday, March 5. Also during that week, middle and high school students can submit questions to the candidates. Videos of the candidates answering questions will be available for online viewing on Thursday, April 24. On that same day, middle and high school students will cast online ballots from 7 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. to select their preferred candidate.

Photo: Foresight Ogungbe (left) and Sophie Vijayan (right), via BCPS

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