Entertainment, Events, Family, Sports

Baltimore County Recreation and Parks announces summer camp, program lineup

TOWSON, MD—Baltimore County’s popular summer camps and drop-in programs offered by the Department of Recreation and Parks will open for registration on Wednesday, January 15 at 10 a.m.

The lineup of unique and enriching experiences for children ages 4 to 17 includes nearly two dozen sites countywide and themes including nature, arts, and sports. Programs cost as little as $100 per week.

The full catalog of camps and programs, as well as registration, is available at https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/summercamp.

Registration takes place entirely online through the Department’s CivicRec portal. As many camps and summer programs fill quickly, it is recommended that those without an existing CivicRec account should create one in advance to speed registration. Accounts should be created in the name of a parent or guardian, and children added as family members to the adult’s account. Instructions and tutorials are available at https://www.baltimorecountymd.gov/civicrec.

Camps at seven nature and historical facilities will feature those sites’ distinct themes:

  • Animals, farming, and gardening at the Baltimore County Ag Center and Farm Park in Cockeysville
  • History, nature, and play at Benjamin Banneker Historical Park and Museum in Catonsville
  • Hiking and animal encounters at Cromwell Valley Park in Parkville
  • Arts and outdoor exploration at Holt Park and Center for the Arts in the Overlea neighborhood of
  • Baltimore
  • The natural world and adventure at Lake Roland in Baltimore
  • Woodlands and wetlands at Marshy Point Nature Center in Middle River
  • Nature discovery and games at Oregon Ridge Nature Center in Cockeysville

Four camps featuring sports and craft activities are available for children ages 8 through 13 at:

  • Benjamin Banneker Community Center in Catonsville
  • Eastern Regional Park Community Center in Middle River
  • Reisterstown Regional Park
  • Woodlawn Community Center

Summer Fun drop-in programs at the 11 county Recreation Activity Centers will provide action-packed opportunities for children and teens ages 6 to 17 to explore, play and learn. The affordable programs require advance registration and operate on a flexible, drop-in format to fit families’ schedules. These programs will be held at:

  • Cockeysville Recreation Activity Center in Cockeysville
  • Dundalk Recreation Activity Center in Dundalk
  • Hillendale Recreation Activity Center in Parkville
  • Lansdowne Recreation Activity Center in Lansdowne
  • Mars Estates Recreation Activity Center
  • Middle River Recreation Activity Center
  • Rosedale Recreation Activity Center
  • Scotts Branch Recreation Activity Center
  • Shady Spring Recreation Activity Center
  • Winfield Recreation Activity Center
  • Woodmoor Recreation Activity Center

Questions about camp and program registration can be directed to the Department of Recreation and Parks at 410-887-3871 and [email protected].

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