Business, Politics

D’Andrea L. Walker now serving as acting Baltimore County Executive

TOWSON, MD—Following Congressman-elect Johnny Olszewski, Jr.’s resignation as Baltimore County’s fourteenth county executive, D’Andrea L. Walker is now acting Baltimore County executive.

Walker will remain in this role until an interim county executive is selected by the County Council to fulfill the remaining two years of Olszewski’s term and sworn in to office.

“Our highest priority is to continue delivering the world-class services – public safety, code enforcement, government resources and more – that our communities rely on,” said Walker. “I thank County Executive Olszewski for his years of dedicated service and I know that all our agencies and departments are prepared for this transition. Together, I am confident that we will continue to deliver focused, innovative, and fiscally-sound decisions that meet and exceed the needs of our residents.”

Acting County Executive Walker most recently served as Baltimore County administrative officer and, prior to her April 2024 appointment to this position, served as director of Baltimore County’s Department of Public Works and Transportation since 2020. Acting County Executive Walker has also served in leadership roles for Prince George’s County Government, the Maryland Transit Administration, Maryland Department of General Services, and the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration.

The Baltimore County Council held public interviews for five candidates to serve as interim county executive on December 16, and has shared intentions to make a final determination at its January 6 legislative session.

Following the swearing in of the interim county executive, Walker will return to her role as County administrative officer.

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