Around Maryland, Business, Politics

Governor Moore signs executive order to boost Maryland economy

ANNAPOLIS, MD—Governor Wes Moore has signed an executive order creating several new programs within the state government with the goal of bolstering Maryland’s economy and competitiveness. The order was signed at the Frederick Hotel and Conference Center project, a public-private development project expected to generate $1.5 billion in new private sector spending, 200 jobs, and $4 million in annual state and local tax revenue over 25 years. The Moore-Miller Administration allocated $7.5 million in its Fiscal Year 2025 capital budget for the project.

“With this executive order and in partnership with the General Assembly in the upcoming legislative session, Maryland has an opportunity to change the trajectory of the downward decline that our state’s economy has experienced over the past several years,” Moore said. “For Maryland to win the decade, we must be clear-eyed about the impediments to growth, develop strategies to deliver short-term and long-term sustainable success, and create the climate that is necessary for businesses and talent to grow and relocate in our state.”

The order establishes the Governor’s Office of Business Advancement within the Department of Commerce to offer concierge-level services to businesses considering relocating to or expanding within Maryland. The office will provide various services, including helping navigate state permitting requirements, troubleshooting issues with state agencies, and identifying financial incentives to close deals. Every executive branch agency must designate a point of contact for interfacing with the office.

“This executive order offers a clear road map to make Maryland’s economy more competitive, robust and equitable,” Maryland Department of Commerce Secretary Kevin Anderson said. “We have established the key industries and sectors that we believe hold the greatest potential for growth and success and identified new steps the Department of Commerce can take to help turbocharge our state’s economy. We look forward to working with the Governor and our partners in the General Assembly to make this Maryland’s decade.”

A full breakdown of the executive order is available online here.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via the Maryland Governor’s Office

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