Education, Police/Fire, Sci-Tech

Thousands of citations issued for passing stopped school buses in Baltimore County

TOWSON, MD—The Baltimore County Police Department is warning drivers that they are still passing stopped school buses at an alarming rate, despite the implementation of a new school bus camera program.

Since the program began issuing citations on November 4, 2024, the police department has issued 7,437 citations.

The program’s cameras have captured numerous instances of drivers failing to stop for stopped school buses picking up or dropping off students. Maryland law requires drivers to stop at least 20 feet from a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing, regardless of the direction they are traveling. The only exception is if drivers are traveling in the opposite direction of the bus on a divided highway, such as a median.

Drivers who violate this law are subject to a $250 fine. The Baltimore County Police Department urges drivers to stay alert, obey the law, and prioritize student safety.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via BCoPD

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