Entertainment, Family

Councilman Marks: Seven playgrounds to be updated in 2025

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday announced that equipment will be replaced at seven playgrounds throughout the Fifth District.

The playgrounds are located at Belmont Park, Eastern Regional Park, Honeygo Regional Park, Snyder Lane Park, Oakhurst Park, Loreley Community Building, and Cowenton Ridge Park.

The County Council approved $3 million for playground replacement in Fiscal Year 2025.

“Over the past 13 years, we have advanced eight new parks in Perry Hall, White Marsh, and Middle River, including the new park property at the former C.P. Crane plant in 2024,” said Councilman Marks. “We also need to repair and replace our existing facilities, such as our playgrounds.”

“We look forward to these new playgrounds, as well as the upcoming completion of the Gerst Road Park,” added Salim Barrouk, president of the White Marsh Recreation Council.

“We thank Councilman Marks for his consistent support of recreation and parks across the Eastside,” commented Josh Sines, president of the Essex-Middle River Civic Council.

Playgrounds were replaced at the Bengies-Chase recreation building and the Aero Acres tot lot in 2023.

Photo: Councilman Marks, Delegates Nawrocki and Szeliga, police, and residents at the Oakhurst Park playground.

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