Business, Opinion, Politics

Councilman Marks: Setting the record straight on White Marsh Mall

The following is an update on White Marsh Mall from Councilman David Marks.

Over Thanksgiving weekend, news spread about the sale of White Marsh Mall–and almost immediately, there was a flurry of posts on social media about what it means for our community.

I would like to thank those residents who reached out to me personally to learn the truth. Unfortunately, some on Facebook decided to make false claims that the mall was being closed, or that there were plans to demolish the space for condominiums or apartments.

Here’s the reality: The area that includes White Marsh Mall is not owned by a single entity. The part that includes the former Sears store is indeed being developed into housing, a process that began before I was elected to represent the mall in November of 2022. The remaining space will be owned by Spinoso Real Estate Group, a nationally-known company that specializes in mall management.

When I shared some of the comments that were being posted on social media, here was the response of a senior representative from Spinoso: “I can say that we are in the process of acquiring the mall and it will remain a mall.”

As I mentioned before, I did not represent White Marsh Mall until the end of 2022. The apartment project at Sears was well underway before then, and so was a separate project at The Avenue at White Marsh. The same company that owns and operates The Avenue is responsible for that project.

With the support of my colleagues on the County Council, I was able to successfully block 320 apartments behind the White Marsh library. I would like thank the community leaders who helped persuade my colleagues that we did not want White Marsh to become “a sea of apartments.” That project is now dead and the space is being eyed for a house of worship.

Blocking more residential development here is important because we have made progress in reducing school overcrowding. The construction of Rossville Elementary and Nottingham Middle Schools has significantly lowered enrollment at Perry Hall’s schools. The mall itself is located in the Overlea High School district.

As a lifelong resident of eastern Baltimore County, I would like nothing more than for White Marsh Mall to thrive as a retail and entertainment center, like it was in the 1980s and 1990s. The simple fact is, however, that times have changed. We live in an online economy where many customers shop through Amazon and other computer-based retailers. For White Marsh Mall to succeed, it needs to build on its strength–and the mall has far fewer vacancies than its counterparts around the country–and become a destination like The Avenue at White Marsh.

It will not be easy, as people have many different opinions about should happen at White Marsh Mall. When I have spoken at community meetings, some of the same people who complain about traffic will then offer a suggestion such as Wegman’s, a commercial project that would bring far more vehicles than alternatives. Baltimore County has funded a planning effort to help develop a vision for White Marsh and Middle River, and the mall will be part of that conversation.

So to conclude:

White Marsh Mall will remain a mall.

The new owner, Spinoso, has a history of successfully operating malls.

There are no new plans for more apartments or condominiums.

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