Around Maryland, Entertainment, Family

Maryland launches ‘Gift of Trees’ program for the holidays

BALTIMORE, MD—Maryland residents can give a gift that keeps on giving this holiday season with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources’ “Gift of Trees” program. The program offers a unique opportunity to honor loved ones, benefit future generations, and improve the environment.

The “Gift of Trees” program allows Marylanders to purchase native trees for planting in honor of a celebration, commemoration, or observation. Purchasers can choose from individual trees or groves of 10. After placing an order, the department will send a “Gift of Trees” certificate within a week or two.

The department carefully plants all trees during the next growing season, either in the spring or fall, to ensure optimal growth and survival. Maryland Forest Service staff select appropriate locations and tree species to ensure the trees thrive for years to come. Trees will be planted in locations that benefit most from them, including parks, playgrounds, and schoolyards, as well as urban and suburban areas and along waterways.

The “Gift of Trees” program is one of several Tree-Mendous Maryland initiatives aimed at helping citizens restore tree cover on public land and community open spaces. Each tree planted contributes toward Maryland’s 5 Million Trees initiative, a decade-long effort to plant 5 million new trees.

The program is available throughout the holiday season. Orders can be placed online or by mail using a separate order form for each recipient. Checks should be made payable to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Forest Service and mailed to: Tawes State Office Building, E-1, Annapolis, Maryland 21401.

The Tree-Mendous program is experiencing a surge in orders this holiday season, which may result in longer-than-usual processing times. If you plan to give the certificate as a gift, please allow ample time for delivery. The Tree-Mendous team is dedicated to processing orders as quickly as possible.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via Maryland Department of Natural Resources

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