Around Maryland, Sci-Tech, Traffic

Maryland DNR warns drivers to be cautious during deer mating season

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland Department of Natural Resources is warning drivers to pay attention to their surroundings and watch out for deer during their mating season.

The mating season for white-tailed deer begins in mid-October and lasts throughout November and early December, according to the department. During this time, deer often travel across roads at unpredictable times of day in search of a mate.

According to a release from the department, most other wildlife species are also more active this time of year, as they search for food to prepare them for the coming winter.

The deer are more likely to be active in the early morning and evening, and drivers are urged to pay attention to their surroundings and slow down when driving in rural areas.

If you do hit a deer, you are urged to call your local police department, but you should not approach the animal, even if it appears to be dead.

“Peak deer movement in Maryland begins mid-October and lasts throughout November and early December, as bucks attempt to secure breeding opportunities,” Wildlife and Heritage Service Director Karina Stonesifer said. “This is the time of year to be especially cautious on the road and be mindful of deer activity while driving.”

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo by Matthew Doged, submitted to the 2016 Maryland Department of Natural Resources Photo Contest.

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