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Nottingham Middle School to hold ribbon-cutting ceremony next week

ROSEDALE, MD—BCPS Superintendent Dr. Myriam Rogers and Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski will join members of the Board of Education of Baltimore County, Baltimore County elected officials, and state dignitaries in formally cutting the ribbon to the new Nottingham Middle School. BCPS last celebrated the opening of a new middle school with a ribbon-cutting at Windsor Mill Middle School in 2006.

The event will take place at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.

Providing more than 205,000 square feet of state-of-the-art learning space, the new Nottingham Middle School, which opened to students in August, was built to meet the educational needs of the fast-growing communities of northeast Baltimore County.

Constructed for $116 million, the 1,410-seat school features nine pods in the school’s academic wing, each containing standard classrooms, extended learning areas, and collaborative learning spaces. In addition to providing a spacious, 21st century design for learning, the school meets LEED silver standards for environmental sustainability and includes supporting infrastructure such as athletic facilities, ample parking, and other amenities.

Nottingham Middle School is located at 5210 King Avenue (21237).

Photo via Councilman Mike Ertel

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