Health, Sci-Tech

Truck-based mosquito spraying to begin in Parkville area on Wednesday

PARKVILLE, MD—In response to a public health concern over the potential for mosquito-borne diseases, the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA), in cooperation with the Baltimore County Health Department, will expand mosquito control services in areas of Parkville.

MDA will conduct ultra-low volume truck-based spraying to control adult mosquitoes on Wednesday, September 4th. The spraying will take place after 7:30 p.m. near the intersection of Harford Road and Edgewood Avenue in Parkville (21234). Inclement weather may result in rescheduled spraying.

The MDA will use permethrin-based solutions in the spraying. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has approved the use of permethrin for public health mosquito control programs; however, the MDA recommends avoiding outdoor activities during spraying.

Residents are urged to take precautions to minimize their exposure to mosquito bites. The MDA recommends wearing long, loose fitting, light-colored clothing, wearing insect repellents, avoiding mosquito infested areas during prime activity (between dusk and dawn), installing, inspecting, and repairing window and door screens in homes and stables, regularly cleaning bird baths and bowls for pet food and water, and removing or emptying all water-holding containers.

Routine spray program schedules are available by county on the program’s website.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo by Jimmy Chan from Pexels

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