Around Maryland, Education

Maryland assessment scores hold steady in mathematics, English language arts

BALTIMORE, MD—The Maryland State Department of Education on Tuesday released results from state assessments, revealing that proficiency in math and reading skills remained steady in 2023-2024.

According to the results, approximately 48.4% of students in the state showed proficiency in English language arts, up from 47.9% in 2022-2023. The proficiency rate for math was 24.1%, up from 23.3% the previous year.

“It is clear that we must accelerate gains urgently for students across Maryland,” said Dr. Carey M. Wright, State Superintendent of Schools. “This is not just about proficiency rates on statewide assessments. A comprehensive approach is needed to meet our goals of ensuring that all students are ready for college, career and life.”

This is the third time the state has administered the math and English language arts assessments since 2021, with 2020 having been skipped due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“More than ever, it is critical that we focus on the core work in schools,” said Dr. Joshua Michael, State Board of Education President. “We must get back to basics — ensuring students arrive each day ready to learn, engaging families as true partners, and supporting teachers to lead effective instruction each day. With strong leadership at MSDE, full implementation of the Blueprint, and strengthened partnerships with local school districts, we expect to see significant progress moving forward.”

Achievement gaps persist among student groups, with no student group experiencing a decline in proficiency, according to the results. Multilingual students, economically disadvantaged students, and those with disabilities had lower proficiency rates than the overall student population.

This article was written with the assistance of AI and reviewed by a human editor.

Photo via Pixabay

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