Business, Politics

Councilman Marks recommends downzoning 18 acres in Fullerton area

NOTTINGHAM, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Wednseday announced that he will downzone the 18-acre property at Belair Road and Rossville Boulevard in the Fullerton area.

The Comprehensive Zoning Map Process issue is 5-074.

The current zoning designation is BR, one of the most intense commercial development classifications. Changing the zoning designation to OR-2 would remove numerous uses that are detrimental to the community, including animal boarding facilities; kennels; bottling establishments; commercial recreational facilities; motels; building materials storage and sales yards; lumberyards; public utility storage yards; boatyards; catering halls; funeral establishments; service garages; nightclubs; and warehouses.

Councilman Marks also recently passed, with Councilman Mike Ertel, legislation that requires the Baltimore County Design Review Panel to evaluate any proposals for development within this area.

“This property has been an eyesore for a long time,” said Councilman Marks. “It needs to be improved and redeveloped, but with more limited uses allied by a lower zoning classification. For that reason, I will be recommending that this land be downzoned from BR to OR-2.”

The Baltimore County Council will vote on the Comprehensive Zoning Map on August 27th.

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