Business, Politics

Councilman Marks to recommend downzoning along Eastern Avenue

MIDDLE RIVER, MD—Baltimore County Councilman David Marks on Tuesday announced plans to downzone dozens of acres of land in the Eastern Avenue corridor to limit development in one of Baltimore County’s most sensitive areas.

Councilman Marks will propose modifying the zoning on land to block intense development throughout the corridor. He will propose over 10 acres of Neighborhood Commons zoning; over 130 acres of DR 1 zoning, nearly 50 acres of RC 7 zoning, and about 10 acres of RC 20 zoning.

“We greatly appreciate Councilman Marks’ work to lighten development and protect the woods along Eastern Avenue, including near Marshy Point Nature Center,” said Dave Gerstmyer, president of Biscayne Bay Community Association.

The Comprehensive Zoning Map will be adopted on August 27th.

“By downzoning this property, we are not only protecting communities and the natural habitat along Eastern Avenue,” said Councilman Marks. “We are also lightening traffic along a corridor that has a history of crashes.”

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